Thursday, April 19, 2012

my progress

so far in my project i have helped with the sign and i also helped make the flyer. the first flyer i made the computer kept shutting down. the second flyer i made i got already and i put in all the pictures and i also wrote out the title and the information that will be need to know how to get to the drop off and where the drop off is.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

public goods aden

Aden Wilson  


Mrs. McLeod

Word Count:

My Public Goods Project

            My public good project is to make a food drop off for the students that don’t have lunch. The produce that the parents will bring in will have to be home grown. The name of my project is called free food for all. The reason we chose this name is because the kids can come up to the blue cooler during lunch and grab something to eat.

            The work we have finished is getting the flyers done to post around school and down town finished. We also have gotten the cooler to put the fruits in. all that we need to do next is get the fruit from the parents and get the signs posted up out front. We also need to put up the flyers.

            The final product of our project will look like a bunch of kids walking around with full bellys.

proggres on public goods project

so far we have writen the scrip and gotten the recipie. so we still have to get the ingredients and get the propes together and a camra

Thursday, April 5, 2012

One Island Farm
One island farm is a self sustaining organic farm that is of the grid, they use solar panels to power all of there electronics and solar hat water panels to heat there water they get there water from water catchment tanks. they also have a screen house which is a green house made out of screen a they also have some butterfly tent.they converted a green house into a kitchen/living room, they built a quadraphonic. while we were there we helped clear a ancient grains garden wheel.          

one island

one island was a very green place. one island had alot of different ways to be green 3 of them are the greenhouse/screenhouse, the water catchment system(s), and also the the solar cooker. wheil we were there we halped make a new garden bed. the garden bed look like a crossed out circle. one island was a sustainable farm that is off the grid. off the grid means that they have no electricity so they have to make their own. they did this by having sevral solar panels. the one island farm was very fun i would reccomend it to anyton that would want to go to a farm. i would also reccomend it to some one that wants to learn about self sustainability

Friday, March 23, 2012

seed to table/ kawanui farm

i think that seed to table means that you plant your own seeds or harvest them and you eat them fresh right then.
kawanui farm was established in 2000 by nancy and also gerry. ever since 2001 they have had classes go up and to the farm and then they would give them a lesson on the fruits and vegitables. kawanui farm is 1.2 acers for fruit and vegtibles. your also able to sample 12 different types of coffee. nancy redfeather has been a teacher/gardener for 38 years. your also able view gardens, orchards, a greenhouse, and storage/production facilities. you also are able to get lunch made with food picked from there gardens.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Seed to Table

What this phrase meens to me is that you should go out get a seed plant it water it firtalize it, in till it produces a crop and then bring it to your table and share it with your family and friends.