Thursday, February 23, 2012

turmeric tea rajah

the recepie for turmeric tea is

4 cups water
1 tbs ground turmeric
1 splash honey (optional)
1 splash lemon (optional)

turmeric tea recepie aden

the recepie for turmeric tea is

4 cups water
1 tbs ground turmeric
1 splash honey (optional)
1 splash lemon (optional)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

taro is used for medecine and food.

aden taro

taro helped the ancient Hawaiians because they used it for medicine and they also ate it and made poi out of it. and it was also used in rituals. it taro farmers got alot of money for their crops because the cost of taro was alot back then because there wasnt very much of it. the way that they planted taro was they would find a big crop field and then they would plant it there then they would fill it up with water so they dont have to water it ever and when it would be ripe they would put it in soups and also medecine.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

blood meal rajah

blood meal is dyed and possessed cow blood.

blood meal aden

blood meal is made up of actual blood from slaughter houses that has been dried. and spun to get all the gunk out of it.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

new plants

this is our new icecream bean plant and our new lucky bean tree.
Blue= lucky bean tree
red= ice cream beans
red= newly grown icecream beans
blue= our newly plantes lucky bean tree

Thursday, February 2, 2012

this is our new bell pepper next to our basil. this is the spot where the small green house used to be.
This is our new bell pepper